You asked for it, so we have compiled all our favorite resources about hammocks in one place.  If you want to take a deep dive into hammock camping, you’ll love these books, websites, tools, and videos.

In fact, the more you learn about hammocks the more you’ll be hooked, and the more you’ll enjoy the experience and be able to share it with others.

Hammock Books

What could be better than reading about hammocking in a hammock?  When it comes to leisure there’s just no such thing as taking things too far.  There’s always room to improve your hammock practice or to find new ways of doing things.

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”″ button_text=”Buy on Amazon” title=”The Ultimate Hang” description=”A must have for new and pro hammockers.  This is a super helpful book about hammock camping but has great advice for all times of hammocks.

This has EVERYTHING you need to know about gear, what to buy, how to prepare, how to set up your hammock, how to stay dry, and more.  The illustrations are really well done and extremely helpful.” thumb=”×300.jpeg” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”″ button_text=”Buy on Amazon” title=”The Way of the Hammock: Designing Calm for a Busy Life” description=”If you’re using the hammock as way to relax and get away from it all, this is perfect hammock reading. The Way of the Hammock teaches meditation and ways to cultivate calmness that WILL improve your life.” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”″ button_text=”Buy On Amazon” title=”Hammock Camping: The Complete Guide to Greater Comfort, Convenience and Freedom” description=”A classic for hammock camping. Ed Speer is a pioneer of the movement and the advice in this book is still practical today.” thumb=”” ]

Hammock Tools and Accessories

Hammock Pitch Calculator: We recommend the ‘Hammock Hang‘ calculator by Omni Calculator for an easy way to find the perfect distances, rope lengths, and angles.  A little planning goes a long way to getting a good night sleep in a hammock.

Best Hammock Accessories: Check out our reviews for the best hammock sleeping pads, straps, and underquilts.

Essential Camping Gear: Whether you’re tent or hammock camping, don’t go without the essentials.  That includes the following.

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”Buy on Amazon” title=”5-in-1 Fire Starter with Compass, Paracord and Whistle” description=”An easy, low profile way to always have these five essentials packed away. This is a two-for-one deal so you can keep one in your car and in your pack.” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”” button_text=”Buy on Amazon” title=”Camping First Aid Kit” description=”Don’t get stuck without necessary first aid basics. These kits are small, made for camping, and don’t take much space.” thumb=”” ]

[wpsm_offerbox button_link=”″ button_text=”Buy on Amazon” title=”Aeropress Coffee Maker” description=”OK, so it’s an essential for us. The aeropress is a gamechanger for awesome coffee on the go. Check it out.” ]

Find our review on hammock accessories here.

Other Hammock Websites is an awesome resource for campers who have ditched their tents.  They have good information about how to sleep in a hammock, how to stay dry, and how to pack for hammock camping.

TheUltimateHang is another resource for hammock camping, but we recommend you skip the website and go straight for the book.  You’ll be glad you did.